viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009



What does a competitive ice-skater trained by Kristi Yamaguchi and part of the world ice capades has in common with a competitive 100 times all-around title winner on numerous state and national horse shows. Heatherette is a fashion line created by two friends, Richie Rich who was and ice-skater that studied the wardrobe of the ice capades and created wardrobe for himself and Traver Rains who stared designing and sewing his own vests and chaps for his competitions. They both meet while Rains worked as a horseback-riding instructor at New York's Chelsea Piers. This line has been feature in editorial work in such magazines as Vanity Fair, W, Surface, Paper, YM, In Style, ID, Flaunt, Italian Vogue, and Rolling Stone among others. But the most intriguing fact of the line is that it mixes Rich’s club kid vive with Rains western outlook. This essay is going to reflect on the personal and artistic background of this two fashionista.

After Richie Rich left the ice capades he moved to New York. He was approached by Michael Alig a party promoter and the founding member of The Club Kids. The notorious Club Kids where a group of youth people that dress in artistic cloth that where made by themselves, expressing there individual self from every member in The Club Kids as well of none clubbing people. Richie Rich became a celebutante in his own right as most of The Club Kids. Note that Rich and Rain are openly gay. They once dated but breakup, it is said that Rich has a long time partner. After Traver Rains decided to retired from horse back riding, he decided to go to school. He received a degree in Economics and International Business from SMU in Texas. He later moved to New York City and meet his co-designer.

These individuals had to make there own cloth because they thought and needed to express themselves. In 2005, Heatherette landed its first major investor. FUBU owners Norman and Bruce Weisfeld invested $6 million in the label. The deal helped Rich and Rains expand to new retailers, but ultimately led to the label's demise, when the Weisfelds backed out of the Heatherette deal. After the investment problems they made a priority to save the label. Such artist as Gwen Stefani, Paris Hilton, Aerosmith, Christina Aguilera, John Galliano, Mary J. Blige, *Nsync, David Beckham, Shakira, Courtney Love, Naomi Campbell, Pink, Beyonce, Jaime Lee Curtis and others have been seen wearing Heatherette or have participated on the catwalks.

This brand has expanded from a clothing line to a makeup line and is still growing with vast amounts of projects. Heatherette is well known for there involvement with such charities as Youth Aids, Designers for Darfur, Lower East Side Girls Club, Operation Smile and others. Both members of the brand have projects outside there partnership. Rich has a CD called Celebutante and a clothing line for the mall-punk chain Hot Topic and a shoe line, Rox and Riley. Rains has mention that he has projects his developing. None the less these two designers are among the favorite to the celebrity community. From their humble nightclub show to Bryan Park Tents, Rich and Rains have kept audiences entertained with their unique mix of cheek glamour and outrageous fun.

miƩrcoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

Hipppie mark

THE HIPPIE MOVEMENT ________________________________________
During the 1960s decade, the Vietnam War was the most dramatically social issue in the United States. Many middle-class students not only took the streets to demonstrate their concern against the war, but also began to question and even reject the moral principles on which they had been brought up. Hippies theorized an utopist society in which all differences in class, race, social status, and sex should disappear so that each individual could satisfy his actual needs.

Music is one of the most distinguish themes just like clothing that had mark the hippie movement. Flower people showed their complete rejection to the American way of life by wearing long hair parted in the middle, colorful casual clothes, eccentric attire like bell-shaped blue jeans, large Indian hemp shirts, and cotton bands round their foreheads or necks. The hippies' creativity revealed itself in music, too.
Rock and Roll changed in many ways during the hippie era.Though it always a sensuous music form since its formation in the 1950s, it tended to hide its sexuality behind euphemisms. It was never political, and seemed to express contentment with middle class American values. Even if Middle America didn’t always like it, their kids loved it. Masked with behind its playful, happy veil, Rock and Roll in the Fifties subtly thumbed its nose at Middle America. During the hippie era, a generation of young people threw off the conventions of their parents and their music followed. The Civil Rights Movement, the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Vietnam and Watergate all proved to this generation that the old morays no longer functioned, and indeed, had never functioned for large segments of the population. Their music followed after them. Rock and Roll left it’s just for fun veil. It became political, taking on social issues; it became more frank about sexuality. Rock went from The Beatles, Jerry Lee Lewis, Jimmy Hendrix, The Who, The Mammas and the Pappas, Joe Cocker, and Santana. Women like Janis Joplin and Joan Baez also played a larger role, though the music form remained a male-dominated business.

Rock and Roll was and is the music of the Hippie Generation. It evolved as they evolved. As they became sexually free, and politically jaded Rock and Roll did too. Rock chronicles the entire culture of a generation of Americans.
On the other hand I personally like the way hippies dressed, not to wear it but I sure like to see people dress like that. Hippies had long hair and they seem to go for the natural look, this part of their fashion I loved it girls but not in boys. Jeans was the ultimate garment, they would where theme all the time. One of my favorite is the vest, they would where them over their shirts and they came in many styles and fabrics. Hippies used a lot of flowers on clothe with many bright colors and they also used the sing of peace with almost every handbag.

The hippies had many other things that gave fame to their movement. Clothe and music is just an expression of what they were going thru. There political and social problems where the main point of the hippies and they created a new culture full of freedom, hope and revolution.

Project Runway: Reality TV show

Reality TV shows are in right now. One of my favorite reality TV show is Project Runway. This reality TV show basically maintain the viewer in an atmosphere of fashion, models, designers and a constant competition of who make the best design in the bunch. The winner of the reality has a lot of great opportunities and prizes like $100,000 to start his or her own design line or a magazine feature spread in Elle magazine and others. Is a show that is host by the supermodel Heidi Klum and have many others prominent people in this campus of design, celebrities, professionals of the industry, visiting the program or participating like judges. So far, this reality TV show has presented six seasons all with extravagant talents, and unique contestants.

Fashion, design, modeling, all this fancy world is like a dream for the people or social classes that doesn’t have the economic wealth for being in the ultimate style. The ideologies that this reality TV show presents from a cultural, social, political and economic perspective are the meaning points of this paper I am writing. A cultural perspective from this reality show could start first of all, in the place that this takes live, New York City. From all times, NY, is the place where you might find most of all the prestigious designers stores, that you one day dream of. Establishing the program in NY, people can feel identified with the life that these contestants are merely passing through. Also maintain pumping the vibe of viewers, those that in a time of their lives visit this place, and those that someday will have.
Culturally speaking is also important to mention the different challenges that they have to pass, aggregate elements for different types of people and generations, so you can be part of the design because you are or were able to use it, in your normal and quotidian life. Social perspective is seemed in the contestants. All of the people that participate have their own ways of style, think, like I mentioned before, unique personalities. Presents the entire social types of persons the gay, rocker, chic, perfectionist, serious, classic, urban, and other that you can feel identified with. Having a great syntony, giving the channel excellent ratings, because socially all of us will find someone that seems alike with your personal type of thinking or dressing, making the reality a sort battle of social ways of living. An economic ideology, surround this program. All the competition is centered in winning the final prize of 100,000 dollars for your personal design line. The money that is inverted in the program in some way comes back. Because during the show all the participants get the attention of different people, that will like to buy or firmed them when the show ends. Is a fifty-fifty trade, which gives fame to the contestant during the reality, and when you start to sell your designs after the program, someone will get the credit for your success, and who will be? Project Runway, the reality TV show that “made” you.

The predominant popular culture of U.S. Society is reflected in every singular part of this reality. Starting with, all the contestants who are American citizens, the show is located in one of the most important places in the country, and themes and designs that are showed in it, are typically for the life of an American person. Also the style of this society is reflected in their works.

In conclusion, besides your personal opinion and ideology of life you will be touched to see all these realities TV shows, because they are fun and entertaining plus it will maintain you informed on all of the new fashion styles in the industries.

Sex battle

Sex battle

Had you ever thought that your opposite sex doesn’t communicate the right way or at list the way you want them to do? This happens all the time and it’s something normal because everyone has their own way to communicate. In our daily life there is always a battle between man and woman. All of these start in the way we express our self or communicate. Usually people describes man as they tend to be quieter, on the other hand, they describe women as really expressive and sentimental.

This so call problem starts since their childhood. Usually men’s tend to go direct to the point but not too deep, in other words they don’t always like to say what they’re thinking or feeling and they want to snap out of it because in many cases there more conserved. Women are different in almost all of the cases they era really expressive, they like to discuss everything. This comes since the childhood because women are use to talk with other girls and talk about everything, there problems, what they think, what they want, exchanging secret and all that. With men its different, most of the time they are playing and when they talk usually it’s not about personal things. Cause of this things, when women are with a men in a relationship they are expecting someone like there girlfriend in communication matters.

When people communicate they use body langue. This is another thing that women tent to get upset about. Most of the times when men communicate they tent to put their bodies in another direction and women think they are not paying attention. Also they listen really quietly in conversation by telephone. Women take their silent as there ignoring them. This happens because usually when a woman converse with another woman they make different noises: “mhm or uhuh, like they are affirming they are listening.

Also this has to do with cultural influence. A long time ago Latin-American family’s especially Mexicans, showed man to be series, demanding, strong and if they show their feelings it was like a “signal of weakness”. On the other hand they show woman to be delicate, a house person, to be a good wife and to be quiet mostly in public. These things still influence people in these days. Although people had change and men are learning to communicate better.

In conclusion, everyone has their own way to express or communicate. This can bring problems not only in a relationship like a couple or a marriage but it could affect a friendship. Most of the time the way people communicate depends on the way the where raise, the environment and personality of the person. The best thing to do if you’re having problems with someone is telling them what bothers you or get professional help.

A lovable dog

A lovable dog

Did you know that Labrador Retrievers are considered to be one of the most popular dog breeds in the US? Sullivan (2008) stated that “The lovable Labrador retriever has been the top dog in the U.S. for almost 20 years”. I know this because I have one and I can say that my dog is the best dog in world. They are one of the most popular breeds in the United States and indeed in many other countries too because of their good nature and their gentle way with children and other animals. Labradors have many specific characteristics and I think they are the best dogs to have.

The Labrador Retriever is a large and unique dog. “The Labrador Retriever is a loving, affectionate, lovable, patient dog, highly intelligent, loyal, willing, and high-spirited” Dog Breed Info Center, (2008). They are very strong and they are very athletic. The snout is very wide and the nasal orifices are very ample and well developed. They can smell their owners even if they are far away. You are able to see their wonderful medium size and very expressive eyes, which I adore. Their eyes could be black or green. Labradors come in a variety of different colors. They could be black, golden or chocolate. Some of them have white spots in the chest. The Labrador has a strong bite and it can eat very hard things; it’s incredible but my dog can break a coconut with its own teeth! The Labrador, especially mine are peaceful, friendly, calm, cheerful and nonaggressive dogs. Although they are very active and playful, they can learn how to take control of themselves with time and practice so they can be well disciplined. It’s very important for us to know that the owner has to be very patient when training these dogs. If you want to play with a Labrador, you have to use hard toys because they have a strong bite. I think that they are one of the most intelligent dogs because of all the things they can do. I remember one day I looked at my dog and I saw how it had found a way to loosen its really hard chain, it was amazing. These are only a few of the good characteristics that we all should know about these excellent dogs. It is very important for a person to know all these characteristics when they are about to have one of these dogs.

As I said before these dogs have the characteristics that people usually try to find in a new pet and in fact Labrador is “an ideal sporting and family dog, the Labrador Retriever thrives as part of an active family or as a trusted hunting companion” (American Kennel club, March 2009). There are a lot of people in Puerto Rico who have this kind of dog. Labradors love to be beside their owners so they are good for those people who live alone. They also watch the place where they live from strangers. They love to feel their owners affection and you can be sure that they will give you love too. I can tell that, my dog is always near me looking for attention. It takes care of me all the time specially when a stranger gets close. It also likes to play and run all the time. This is why they need a lot of attention and space.

In conclusion, if you want to have a good dog, a Labrador is a good option. These dogs are really intelligent. In fact, “they are considered to be one of the most popular dog breeds in the US” (Sullivan, 2008). If you are very patient you can train them and they will learn a lot. These dogs are very special though they require a lot of care. I love my dog, it is like a friend to me. A Lab will always be beside you taking care of you. I think that everyone who is interested in having a new pet should consider Labradors. They are so good that I’m sure that people will never feel unhappy with their decision.