miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

Hipppie mark

THE HIPPIE MOVEMENT ________________________________________
During the 1960s decade, the Vietnam War was the most dramatically social issue in the United States. Many middle-class students not only took the streets to demonstrate their concern against the war, but also began to question and even reject the moral principles on which they had been brought up. Hippies theorized an utopist society in which all differences in class, race, social status, and sex should disappear so that each individual could satisfy his actual needs.

Music is one of the most distinguish themes just like clothing that had mark the hippie movement. Flower people showed their complete rejection to the American way of life by wearing long hair parted in the middle, colorful casual clothes, eccentric attire like bell-shaped blue jeans, large Indian hemp shirts, and cotton bands round their foreheads or necks. The hippies' creativity revealed itself in music, too.
Rock and Roll changed in many ways during the hippie era.Though it always a sensuous music form since its formation in the 1950s, it tended to hide its sexuality behind euphemisms. It was never political, and seemed to express contentment with middle class American values. Even if Middle America didn’t always like it, their kids loved it. Masked with behind its playful, happy veil, Rock and Roll in the Fifties subtly thumbed its nose at Middle America. During the hippie era, a generation of young people threw off the conventions of their parents and their music followed. The Civil Rights Movement, the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Vietnam and Watergate all proved to this generation that the old morays no longer functioned, and indeed, had never functioned for large segments of the population. Their music followed after them. Rock and Roll left it’s just for fun veil. It became political, taking on social issues; it became more frank about sexuality. Rock went from The Beatles, Jerry Lee Lewis, Jimmy Hendrix, The Who, The Mammas and the Pappas, Joe Cocker, and Santana. Women like Janis Joplin and Joan Baez also played a larger role, though the music form remained a male-dominated business.

Rock and Roll was and is the music of the Hippie Generation. It evolved as they evolved. As they became sexually free, and politically jaded Rock and Roll did too. Rock chronicles the entire culture of a generation of Americans.
On the other hand I personally like the way hippies dressed, not to wear it but I sure like to see people dress like that. Hippies had long hair and they seem to go for the natural look, this part of their fashion I loved it girls but not in boys. Jeans was the ultimate garment, they would where theme all the time. One of my favorite is the vest, they would where them over their shirts and they came in many styles and fabrics. Hippies used a lot of flowers on clothe with many bright colors and they also used the sing of peace with almost every handbag.

The hippies had many other things that gave fame to their movement. Clothe and music is just an expression of what they were going thru. There political and social problems where the main point of the hippies and they created a new culture full of freedom, hope and revolution.

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