miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

Project Runway: Reality TV show

Reality TV shows are in right now. One of my favorite reality TV show is Project Runway. This reality TV show basically maintain the viewer in an atmosphere of fashion, models, designers and a constant competition of who make the best design in the bunch. The winner of the reality has a lot of great opportunities and prizes like $100,000 to start his or her own design line or a magazine feature spread in Elle magazine and others. Is a show that is host by the supermodel Heidi Klum and have many others prominent people in this campus of design, celebrities, professionals of the industry, visiting the program or participating like judges. So far, this reality TV show has presented six seasons all with extravagant talents, and unique contestants.

Fashion, design, modeling, all this fancy world is like a dream for the people or social classes that doesn’t have the economic wealth for being in the ultimate style. The ideologies that this reality TV show presents from a cultural, social, political and economic perspective are the meaning points of this paper I am writing. A cultural perspective from this reality show could start first of all, in the place that this takes live, New York City. From all times, NY, is the place where you might find most of all the prestigious designers stores, that you one day dream of. Establishing the program in NY, people can feel identified with the life that these contestants are merely passing through. Also maintain pumping the vibe of viewers, those that in a time of their lives visit this place, and those that someday will have.
Culturally speaking is also important to mention the different challenges that they have to pass, aggregate elements for different types of people and generations, so you can be part of the design because you are or were able to use it, in your normal and quotidian life. Social perspective is seemed in the contestants. All of the people that participate have their own ways of style, think, like I mentioned before, unique personalities. Presents the entire social types of persons the gay, rocker, chic, perfectionist, serious, classic, urban, and other that you can feel identified with. Having a great syntony, giving the channel excellent ratings, because socially all of us will find someone that seems alike with your personal type of thinking or dressing, making the reality a sort battle of social ways of living. An economic ideology, surround this program. All the competition is centered in winning the final prize of 100,000 dollars for your personal design line. The money that is inverted in the program in some way comes back. Because during the show all the participants get the attention of different people, that will like to buy or firmed them when the show ends. Is a fifty-fifty trade, which gives fame to the contestant during the reality, and when you start to sell your designs after the program, someone will get the credit for your success, and who will be? Project Runway, the reality TV show that “made” you.

The predominant popular culture of U.S. Society is reflected in every singular part of this reality. Starting with, all the contestants who are American citizens, the show is located in one of the most important places in the country, and themes and designs that are showed in it, are typically for the life of an American person. Also the style of this society is reflected in their works.

In conclusion, besides your personal opinion and ideology of life you will be touched to see all these realities TV shows, because they are fun and entertaining plus it will maintain you informed on all of the new fashion styles in the industries.

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