miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

Sex battle

Sex battle

Had you ever thought that your opposite sex doesn’t communicate the right way or at list the way you want them to do? This happens all the time and it’s something normal because everyone has their own way to communicate. In our daily life there is always a battle between man and woman. All of these start in the way we express our self or communicate. Usually people describes man as they tend to be quieter, on the other hand, they describe women as really expressive and sentimental.

This so call problem starts since their childhood. Usually men’s tend to go direct to the point but not too deep, in other words they don’t always like to say what they’re thinking or feeling and they want to snap out of it because in many cases there more conserved. Women are different in almost all of the cases they era really expressive, they like to discuss everything. This comes since the childhood because women are use to talk with other girls and talk about everything, there problems, what they think, what they want, exchanging secret and all that. With men its different, most of the time they are playing and when they talk usually it’s not about personal things. Cause of this things, when women are with a men in a relationship they are expecting someone like there girlfriend in communication matters.

When people communicate they use body langue. This is another thing that women tent to get upset about. Most of the times when men communicate they tent to put their bodies in another direction and women think they are not paying attention. Also they listen really quietly in conversation by telephone. Women take their silent as there ignoring them. This happens because usually when a woman converse with another woman they make different noises: “mhm or uhuh, like they are affirming they are listening.

Also this has to do with cultural influence. A long time ago Latin-American family’s especially Mexicans, showed man to be series, demanding, strong and if they show their feelings it was like a “signal of weakness”. On the other hand they show woman to be delicate, a house person, to be a good wife and to be quiet mostly in public. These things still influence people in these days. Although people had change and men are learning to communicate better.

In conclusion, everyone has their own way to express or communicate. This can bring problems not only in a relationship like a couple or a marriage but it could affect a friendship. Most of the time the way people communicate depends on the way the where raise, the environment and personality of the person. The best thing to do if you’re having problems with someone is telling them what bothers you or get professional help.

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